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Miraculous Healing - How I healed after being run over by a car.

Updated: May 20, 2020

I never knew love could be like this, until I got run over by a car.

An open letter of gratitude to the loving experiences that have shaped my life over the last two weeks..

What a life changing experience.

I am grateful to be alive and well.


Exactly two weeks ago today, I was run over by a car.

Two weeks later... smiling and grateful.

I never knew love like this before..

I am grateful for the people who were there at the time and showed me what PURE LOVE truly is.

I am grateful that I walked out that hospital the very same day.

I am grateful for my positive mind-set that allowed me to see only the good side out of this experience and that it has opened an avenue for me to be more loving and to become a true expression of love.

I am grateful that I have learned to become still and quiet, doing what is best for my body, mind and spirit.

Despite the harbouring doubts, I believed I would heal.

I am grateful that that I BELIEVED I would heal, in spite of the skeptic whispers and because of this I AM in the process of healing miraculously and wholesomely well.

I am grateful that out of all the people that morning, God and the Universe chose ME to be a miracle and a message that would touch many lives and open many hearts.

I am grateful for the many tears I’ve shed in the last month, every step brought me one step closer to peace and clarity.

I am grateful for the people who continue to stand at my side and have shown me love and compassion throughout this whole life changing experience. Some expected, some unexpected. All appreciated with open arms.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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